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110 Postoperative Osteoporosis Therapy in Patients Undergoing Arthroplasty for Femoral Neck Fractures Prevents Periprosthetic Fractures

275 Implant Survivorship among Patients with Sickle Cell Disease following Total Knee Arthroplasty

353 Can We Predict Distal Radius Fracture Instability? Recognition of Fracture Stability in Distal Radial Fractures on Radiographs: Diagnostic Accuracy of an AI algorithm (Convolutional Neural Network) to Predict Loss of Threshold Alignment

371 Establishing an Optimal Age to Consider Cemented versus Uncemented Total Hip Arthroplasty using Stratum-Specific Likelihood Ratios

440 Antiseptic Solutions in Knee Arthroplasty: Does Efficacy against Biofilm Change on Different Surfaces?